About Us
MTC is a 100% Fiber to the Premise Cooperative in the McDonough, Hancock, Henderson, Fulton, and Schuyler County areas.

Say Goodbye to Bad Connection with MTC's FIBER!
MTC has built a 100% Fiber network throughout McDonough, Hancock, Fulton, and Schuyler counties!
Fiber To The Home is the fastest residential technology available. How does fiber work? Fiber works using fiber-optic lines, which are cables that contain strands of glass. The glass fiber lines then act as a conduit for flashing lights that send signal from one end to the other. Fiber offers speeds MUCH faster than DSL or cable.
Are you ready for lightning-fast Internet?
Enter your address below to see if you’re in one of MTC’s Fiber areas!
Our Story
Where We Started
MTC Communications started in 1995 and became officially incorporated in 1996 as a subsidiary of McDonough Telephone Cooperative. MDTC saw a need in the community to offer combined long distance services along with its current product offerings to continue to best serve its customers.
WINS was established at the end of 1995.
Launch The Long Distance
Expanding The Service Menu
MTC Steps Into TV Service
The service menu expanded again in 2005. As McDonough Telephone increased the availability of broadband to its members, MTC joined many other telecommunications providers in offering Internet protocol television (IPTV).
After the launch of MTC TV, MTC added features and expanded its service area. Customers then began to have access to High Definition, PVR service, Video on Demand and Pay Per View as TV enhancements.
Fiber To The Home Introduced
FTTH Continues To Expand
Fiber optic technology expands and gives MTC customers access to the most advanced communications services available. Residential and Business customers are now being connected to FTTH services in these outlying areas as well.
MTC Continues To Expand Service Areas
MTC Communications expands its service reach outside of the MTC service area by going into Macomb, Bushnell, Carthage and Monmouth. This expansion began as an effort to connect all school districts in the region not only to each other, but to several colleges and universities also in the area.
MTC Launches The Rural Access Network
MTC developed the Rural Access Network to provide DIA, Business Ethernet, and Carrier Ethernet options to rural businesses. RAN intends to expand our network to reach customers and business and provide them with high speed broadband service.
MTC Expands CLEC Service Area
MTC launched a geo-marketing website (mtc.crowdfiber.com) allowing people to register their interest in MTC’s Fiber service, sign up for MTC services, and see updates on build progress. MTC opened zones in February of 2019 and then started the fiber infrastructure build in Carthage and Stronghurst, Illinois that spring.
MTC Expands and Looks to the Future
After seeing an overwhelming need in its surrounding communities, MTC launched its fiber network into Hamilton and Roseville in 2020. MTC made plans to expand into several new surrounding territories on its mtc.crowdfiber.com website.
MTC Keeps Expanding with Grant Funding
MTC Awarded R-DOF Grant Money to Bring Fiber to Rural Illinois.
MTC announces the next fiber expansion locations of Macomb and Gladstone, IL for 2022. This fiber expansion provides Internet accessibility of speeds up to 1 Gig, allowing ample bandwidth for running multiple devices (including streaming video) and work-from-home lifestyles.
McDonough Telephone, the parent company of MTC Communications, finished building FIBER throughout all of its ILEC areas in October of 2022.
Now, ALL MTC Communications and McDonough Telephone areas are 100% FIBER!
MTC Keeps Expanding with Grant Funding
MTC Awarded $18 Million in USDA’s ReConnect Grant Money to Bring Fiber to Rural Illinois.
MTC announces the next fiber expansion locations in rural Hancock, Henderson, and Warren Counties in Illinois for 2023. This fiber expansion provides Internet accessibility of speeds up to 1 Gig, allowing ample bandwidth for running multiple devices (including streaming video) and work-from-home lifestyles.
Check out our FIBER build process below:

Learn about who makes up our trained staff and how they work to provide you with the best service possible.
Call our office to speak with one of our customer service representatives:
- Home Office - 309.776.3211
- 24/7 Repair Number - 309.776.3214
Stop by our home office to talk with a customer service rep in person.
Hours: 8am-5pm
Monday through Friday